Skirts for Men!

Skirts for Men!

We’re living in a time where men’s fashion is becoming less and less strict. Thank goodness, right? Can you believe that it used to be a statement when a guy wore something pink? And now, when you see guys in pink, you probably just think “whatevs, it’s a guy wearing something pink.” I honestly love that society has been less strict on what a guy can wear, because it’s so repetitive and boring to see that a “best dressed” guy means “a guy wearing a tailored suit.” Sure, tailored suits look nice, but where's the artistry in that? Where's the sense of self-expression that shows their distinct taste in fashion?


Any guy can pull off a tailored suit, but can any guy pull off something like, oh, I don’t know…a skirt?



I mean, I think we all could.


When it comes right down to it, a skirt is just another type of short/pant, right? It just doesn’t have the individual leg openings that would make it considered as such. We usually see them designed in more “feminine” ways, but who’s to say that a man can’t wear them and look great in them?


The idea of a man wearing a skirt definitely isn't a new thing. Jaden Smith has been rocking skirts for almost a year now, and there are big name companies such as Hot Topic and Barney's New York that made skirts for men. It's gotten so much in the mainstream eye, that even Buzzfeed decided to have some correspondents try wearing skirts for a week!



Such a beautiful message, right? We should be able to wear what we want, and we shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable about it! If we feel it looks good with the outfit, and it's something that we think fits with our style, why should society tell us that we can't wear it?


So what do you think of skirts for men? Could you see yourself wearing some? Do you already own a skirt, perhaps? Let’s get conversational in the comments!

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Skirts are much more comfortable, there are skirts with pockets and cargo kilts. it’s to bad that many women say no, whilst the skirt is by origin a man’s garment.


I am a shameless clothes hound! My wife and I love to go shopping together. Presently, I have around 30 skirts of varying length and fabric, to be able to dress for all seasons. I have about that many blouses also. We are fortunate to live in a fairly remote area with a number of acres of land, so I’m free to go out and about on our property. We live in a very conservative area of the country, and I wouldn’t be willing to be out in public in a skirt. Possibly being attacked would not be an unreasonable concern. Still, with that said, I love to wear a nice skirt!


I think pants are much more practical since they have pockets. I do not want to be carrying a bag or backpack wherever I go. It is much more practical to wear pants or shorts because they habe pockets. I wear jeans in the winter, and cargo shorts in the summer. I would wear a skirt if they found a way to put pockets in them (and they became fashonable for men).


Everywhere we’re talking about climate change, in science-magazines people talking about wearing “cool clothes” (fabrics) and make your body feel comfortable. Is there any little piece of clothes around in this world which could a male body fit better than a skirt or dress?
I don’t think so, but if you can find any please let me know because nor scientist or me couldn’t find it yet. And, using our common sense a little bit, nothing is more comfortable for female and male than skirted garments. Humans in our past knew that already, but our sometimes twisted kind of thinking can’t understand it what might be good for the body. Cultural shifts helped creating new ways of dressing, but sometimes we should look to that what is best for body and mind and not just following a mass-hystery that men have to wear something which was good 200 years ago when the Industrial Revolution demanded a better security for the body and put men in pants. We are over that, but a lot of people do not see it and still keeping in their mind the false stigma that pants are male clothes and skirts female. Nothing is right, and we are unable to follow our last part of instinct to make our body feel good and healthy – a sad situation.
Only real men which are on their own feet standing in the world make the difference and follow a new “TREND” which not knew but it will be a new way of understanding of clothes. Not pants or skirts are a piece of a sex, both are a piece of clothes and everybody can use it – everybody, female and male, in their own way.
So, what is holding men back?


I do not understand that men have problems to wear skirted garments. Not so long ago skirts, tunics, etc. were a “normal” piece of clothes for men.
All what we’re making up with “female” or “male” clothes is a thing (nobody can identify exactly what it is) in our heads divide clothing in parts. And, it is only for men where the restrictions are being held. We call that equal and a that is a big lie.
Almost all clothes are already adopted out of men’s closets for WOMEN. Huh? Even leggings, nothing else than the long underwear for men new designed. Pantyhose? Yes, men wore that in Europe during the 30-year war 1634 first time. Any questions?
Men just have to go with the new fashion stream and be confident with it – wearing skirts and men-dresses.


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