Skirts for Men!

Skirts for Men!

We’re living in a time where men’s fashion is becoming less and less strict. Thank goodness, right? Can you believe that it used to be a statement when a guy wore something pink? And now, when you see guys in pink, you probably just think “whatevs, it’s a guy wearing something pink.” I honestly love that society has been less strict on what a guy can wear, because it’s so repetitive and boring to see that a “best dressed” guy means “a guy wearing a tailored suit.” Sure, tailored suits look nice, but where's the artistry in that? Where's the sense of self-expression that shows their distinct taste in fashion?


Any guy can pull off a tailored suit, but can any guy pull off something like, oh, I don’t know…a skirt?



I mean, I think we all could.


When it comes right down to it, a skirt is just another type of short/pant, right? It just doesn’t have the individual leg openings that would make it considered as such. We usually see them designed in more “feminine” ways, but who’s to say that a man can’t wear them and look great in them?


The idea of a man wearing a skirt definitely isn't a new thing. Jaden Smith has been rocking skirts for almost a year now, and there are big name companies such as Hot Topic and Barney's New York that made skirts for men. It's gotten so much in the mainstream eye, that even Buzzfeed decided to have some correspondents try wearing skirts for a week!



Such a beautiful message, right? We should be able to wear what we want, and we shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable about it! If we feel it looks good with the outfit, and it's something that we think fits with our style, why should society tell us that we can't wear it?


So what do you think of skirts for men? Could you see yourself wearing some? Do you already own a skirt, perhaps? Let’s get conversational in the comments!

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I am a straight guy. I love wearing skirts and wear them out at every opportunity. I eagerly await the coming of men’s skirts into popularity to provide us an alternative to boring and crotchety pants.

Atap Tam

If men, as I DO TOO, want to wear skirts as I DO we should go out in PUBLIC with a SHIRT ON. I wear a baggy T shirt and wear a short SKIRT with it. I go in to Circle K and other Quick stops with the SKIRT on. most don’t even look at what I have on as the shirt covers the skirt.

Men need to start FASHION SHOWS with the SKIRT and PUBLICIZE it, this way men will not be frowned on when caught in a skirt. This would change Men’s and Women’s view on MEN IN SKIRTS.

I would love to see a MANLY SKIRT with 2 deep pockets in front, 2 Medium pockets in back and CARGO POCKETS ON THE SIDE like military pants.

The SKIRT is so much COOLER than SHORTS in the HOT WEATHER.


David Hanson

I am 6’5 and all through life I’ve struggled to find pants that fit my length and waist how often do you see a 30 waist and 36 inseam? Exactly, but with a skirt I don’t have to worry. For years I had to “sag” my pants or go up in size that would make them sag anyway. In my opinion having your butt cheeks hanging out of you pants seems like a way of offering them up or wanting people to see them similarly to how a woman would expose herself in revealing garments is clearly wanting to draw attention to those areas. I came to the conclusion by way of practicality that skirts were the answer. As for it being feminine that’s really up to the wearer of the skirt. I’m not pairing it with “female” cut and designed shirts because they were made for a low muscle structure and breasts so it is to be expected that would look feminine right? There is a clear difference between someone who is being comfortable and secure in themselves verses someone wanting to BE a woman. It is in my experience that men who deny the opportunity to express themselves due to insecurities and social stigmas actually develop more homosexual tendencies than secure individuals not afraid to cross the invisible borders of fashion. As for acceptance, women as a majority love it, some think it’s weird but don’t have anything bad to say about it. Men usually look confused, chuckle or looked relieved because they too have desired such freedom as well.


I can’t wait for the day when men can dress with any piece of clothes without being judge. I too like to wear feminine clothes that fits me better and more comfortable than male clothes.
Maybe some of us get together and start an anual “no pants day for men” to wear skirts instead.


I can’t wait for the day when men can dress with any piece of clothes without being judge. I too like to wear feminine clothes that fits me better and more comfortable than male clothes.
Maybe some of us get together and start an anual “no pants day for men” to wear skirts instead.


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