A Brief Story: Shaun

A Brief Story: Shaun

I've loved the idea of wearing non-traditional underwear since I was young. It started with a curiosity about girl's panties, and I would secretively 'borrow' my sister's. As I grew older the feeling never left me but the only underwear available for men was regular cotton boxers, so I wore those day to day but occasionally wore women's underwear. I didn't do this often because I was afraid of it being discovered, but I loved the material and cut of panties whenever I had the opportunity.


Then I discovered Body Aware! Suddenly I could buy men's underwear in satin, lace, nylon, etc., and be open about what I was wearing with my wife. She found my new choice of underwear interesting, but thought no more of it because over time it became normal and I no longer had any traditional underwear left.


After some time I showed her Body Aware's sister website XDress and bought a few things from there too. I didn't seem like a massive leap from Body Aware to XDress and she wasn't particularly phased by it.


Now I openly wear panties and other lingerie, as well as non-traditional men's underwear. It's part of who I am and it's great to be open about it with my wife. Thank you Body Aware, you made it all possible!


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