Keepin' It Brief: Valentine's Day Edition!

Keepin' It Brief: Valentine's Day Edition!

Published February 9th 2016 by Leo Montgomery

With Valentine's Day coming up, we start to think of life's most important questions: where should I take my significant other out for dinner? Should I get them a rose? Is this the right day to propose? Oh god, is there salad in my teeth?

However, despite all of those big questions, one of the most important questions (at least for everyone at Bodyaware) is "what kind of sexy underwear am I going to be wearing?"

Recently, we stopped by Arizona State University and asked many of the students and campus-goers there what they thought of different sexy men's underwear designs...accompanied by a hot model in booty shorts, of course. Before you ask, I will say that we did get plenty of stares. But we mostly had a lot of fun and getting personal with some fellow men's underwear lovers, out there! Their answers were hysterical, the people were a joy to interview, and hey, we got to look at Michael without a shirt on for quite a while. Ain't nothin' bad about that!

Without further ado, enjoy this Valentine's Day edition of a new series of interviews we're calling "Keepin' It Brief!" Also, feel free to answer the questions from the video in the comment section below! 

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